What is a breast reduction?
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to reduce the size of the breasts. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will remove excess skin, fat and tissue to resize the breasts.
Breast reduction surgery aims to address several issues caused by large breasts. Patients choose to undergo this type of surgery to fix health problems associated with large breasts, including back and neck pain, skin irritation, bra strap indentations, poor posture and interference with normal daily activities such as exercise.Breast reduction surgery can also alleviate self-consciousness associated with large, heavy breasts, as well as allow you to participate in activities that were impossible before. It will also open up several new possibilities to explore as far as clothing and fashion are concerned.
The procedure
Breast reduction surgery can be performed using several different techniques. Your plastic surgeon will choose the most appropriate technique based on your physical needs and aesthetic goals. The most common technique involves making three incisions: one around the perimeter of the areola, a vertical incision running downwards from the bottom of the areola and a further horizontal incision along the breast fold.
This technique ultimately results in an incision pattern shaped like an anchor or inverted âTâ, which is why it is also known as the inverted-T technique. After the incision, the surgeon will remove excess skin, fat and tissue to resize the breasts. The nipple and areola are also repositioned, so they sit higher, more youthful and agreeable. After surgery, gauze dressings are applied to the breasts, selecting the right-sized surgical bra. You will be given painkillers to relieve pain after the operation, and the pain will usually subside within a few days.
How to prepare
Read the pre-surgery instructions They will help prevent complications and improve outcomes for your surgery.
No smoking for at least a month prior
You may start to perform light household chores after 2-3 days.
Bruising and swelling will begin to subside after a few weeks.
Your surgeon may suggest wearing a sports bra 24 hours a day for the first few months after surgery.
Sutures will usually be removed after a week or two or may dissolve on their own.
You will probably have scarring around your nipples and running down your breasts. These scars will naturally fade within a year.
Ideal candidates for breast reduction
There is no optimal age for breast reduction, although ideally, your breasts should have entirely stopped developing. Weight fluctuations can also affect breast size, so it is crucial to have maintained a steady weight for at least six months before surgery.
You may be a suitable candidate for breast reduction if.
Your breasts are too big and causing physical discomfort
You experience chronic neck, back, or shoulder pain due to the size of your breasts
Your breasts are heavy and drooping or saggy
Your bra straps dig into your shoulders, leaving deep indentations
You experience skin irritation under the breasts
Large breasts limit your physical activity and stop you from exercising
You experience discomfort or insecurity due to the size of your breasts
You have different-sized breasts (breast asymmetry)