What is a Thighlift?
Thigh Lift Surgery Thailand
The thighs can lose their original shape and accumulate fat due to aging. The skin on the inner and outer thighs can also begin to sag or appear flabby. Sometimes patients are left with excess loose skin on the thighs due to significant weight loss. Although exercise helps to improve the condition of the muscles, it cannot make the skin more elastic. Stubborn fat deposits often don’t respond to exercise either. A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to refine the thighs by removing excess skin and fatty tissue from the upper legs. The result is a smoother, more aesthetically pleasing contour for the lower body, more prominent muscle tone, smoother skin and a more youthful thigh shape.
Common misconceptions about thighlift
Many people misunderstand the purpose of liposuction. As much as the procedure involves the removal of fat from various parts of the body, liposuction alone is not a remedy for overweight patients. It is more about reducing stubborn, unwanted fat that has been stored in specific parts of the body.
Thigh lift procedure
Inner thigh lift
The most popular type of thigh lift involves incisions at the thigh and groin junction extending to the buttock crease. After placing the incision, the surgeon will remove excess fat and skin from the inner thigh region. The process may also utilise liposuction for more effective results.
The area between the groin and knee is then reshaped, and the procedure is repeated on the other thigh. The result is a smooth and aesthetically pleasing inner thigh contour. Scars will be completely hidden under clothing.
How to prepare
Read the pre-surgery instructions They will help prevent complications and improve outcomes for your surgery.
No smoking for at least a month prior
Thigh lift surgery requires a 1-2 night overnight stay at the hospital.
You may notice swelling or bruising in the first few days after surgery. This is normal and will eventually subside on its own.
You will be given pain medication to control any postoperative pain.
Take all medicines prescribed by your doctor.
You can shower after three days.
Surgical drains may be placed at the incision site and left in place. These are typically removed within a week.
You may resume light exercise after 2-3 weeks.
Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for six weeks.
Good candidates for thigh lift surgery are men and women who:
Have stubborn fat deposits on the thighs that won’t respond to diet or exercise
Have excess skin tissue in the inner or outer thigh area, possibly as result of weight loss
Patient should be in good general health and have maintained a relatively stable weight prior to surgery.