Meet Azurite Client Linda and how she got her body back with a mummy makeover and facelift.

Read more about the Daily Mail article here.

Why did Linda Choose to have surgery through Azurite?

Linda hadn’t liked the way she looked for eleven long years since she had her baby. Even worse, at 46, gravity was beginning to take its toll. Mirrors seemed to be instruments of torture.

“I worked out and ate well, but nothing helped,” she says. She was beginning to feel desperation creep in. “My sister passed away from bowel cancer due to stress and poor lifestyle choices in 2018. I knew I had to do make a change in my life, a re-set if you like, inside and out, which my sister never had.” So she began doing some research on cosmetic surgery. After one false start, a booking she later regretted and cancelled, Linda found Azurite Medical and Wellness.


“Don't ask me how, I don't know either, but I really liked what I was reading,” she says. “I called Trina, the owner and director and she answered immediately, even though it was a Saturday night. After we had a long conversation, I just felt a connection with her and it felt right. Trina asked me to send photos through so she could assess my concerns.”


Trina got back to Linda on Sunday morning with her suggestions. They were exactly what Linda was hoping for. The plan was for Linda to have two surgery sessions, ten days apart, for safety – a breast lift, waistline surgery and liposuction in the first and a full face lift, thigh lift, buttocks shaping and labiaplasty in the second. Linda’s 28-day package included Azurite’s new post-surgery rehabilitation in Thailand, which is part of the its holistic approach to the healing process. 


“To top it all, a little later Azurite announced a competition for a chance to experience the grand opening of its Wellness Resort, The Ley Line in Phuket. I sent in my entry and was so lucky to win this amazing prize, but more about that later.


“I only had to book my flights, as everything else was taken care of by Azurite,” Linda recalls. “When I arrived in Bangkok, there was a representative from the Chatrium Residence Sathon Hotel waiting to escort me to my transport. Arriving at the hotel, I was in awe from the time I stepped into the lobby. My room was lovely and had everything needed for a short or long-term stay. I even had a gorgeous view of the pool area which looked like an oasis.”


Linda’s operations went as planned with no complications. She returned to her luxurious five-star hotel in Bangkok, where she received aftercare from the two nursing assistants provided to ensure proper healing post-surgery. Finishing her package with the new surgery rehabilitation add-on, she got to enhance her healing with the Ley Line program. During the surgery rehabilitation program, she received daily three-hour treatments consisting of full body massage, healing baths, scrubs and mud wraps to assist with inflammation and speed healing. She is home now, and Azurite is still checking in with her to ensure everything is going well.


Clearly it is. “I am very lucky and blessed to have had this opportunity in my life to be a better version of myself. I used to be a size 40 (16). After the operation, I weigh 10 kg down and am now a size 34 (10). Better nutrition to fuel and heal my body is my top priority from now on, but best of all, my body has been transformed just as I had hoped, and I am connected to my soul and my Azurite “angels” and am able to ask for their help at any moment.”

Linda received the following procedures through our chief plastic surgeon with a 28 day package in Bangkok, Thailand.

  1. Full facelift *SMAS (mid face, neck and temporal)

  2. Upper and lower eyelids

  3. Arm lift

  4. Thigh lift

  5. Liposuction buttocks outer hips, buttocks, thighs upper and lower sides of thigh front lower area around upper knees

  6. Labia plasty

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